Partners for the Gospel

I am so grateful for the two men of God that flank me in the picture below. Tom (my right) is making his biannual trip to Europe and preached in Đakovo yesterday. Danijel (my left) pastors the local church in Đakovo.

I've written about both of them before so I'll limit this post to what I experienced yesterday. 
  • The local church in Đakovo is growing. Danijel and his wife Tijana moved here 17 years ago and took over a church of fewer than 10 people - most of whom were older that 60 years old. This is a typical scenerio in eastern Croatia. Today, the church in Đakovo is teeming with children running around and babies being held during the service. It's truly beautiful to see the ways in which the Lord has blessed Danijel and Tijana's "long obedience in the same direction".
  • Tom preached from Luke 8 and reminded the congregation about the importance of trusting the Lord in the midst of difficult times. He emphasized "marvel" and contemplation during times of busyness in order to remember how great God is. It was a needed reminder in the midst of the preparations for camp - the reason why we are in eastern Croatia in the first place. 
These two men come from two different countries, have vastly different backgrounds, and face very different challenges. But they have both been a huge encouragement to me over the last decade. 

If you're interested in supporting Danijel and Tijana in their ministry in Đakovo, please send us an email indicating that you would like to partner with them at