From One Generation to the Next

"One generation shall commend your works to another." - Psalm 145:4

Royal Rangers workshop at Kids Camp Orahovica 2022

Jeremy here. Although I wasn't at Kids Camp this summer, the picture above jumped out at me as I was looking through the highlights on social media. Besides the fact that it was taken in Orahovica, a place we lived for nine years and have spent most of the summers since, the man on the right is a friend of mine and a significant part of the time we spent in Orahovica. His name is Filip and he was six years old when we moved to Croatia. 

Filip was one of the first boys in our baseball ministry back in 2007 when I invited whoever wanted to come to the local soccer field to learn how to hit and play catch. He was a young teenager when we began Royal Rangers in Orahovica. And this past week, he led the Royal Rangers workshop at Kids Camp. We're thankful for Filip and his desire to commend the Lord's work to the next generation. 

To be clear, this is not our doing. Filip and others like him are the result of his Christian family, local church, camps, other ministries and ultimately the grace of God. But it's these sort of stories that we came to Croatia to be part of. We don't see ourselves as disciple makers, but rather as members of the Body of Christ that makes disciples. And so it's this sort of example that excites and energizes us to continue the work. 

Today, as Teen Camp begins, there are 6 leaders from our local church in Zagreb, including our pastor who leads camp. The goal of camps throughout the years has been to provide a place and an opportunity for each person, leaders and participants alike, to have an encounter with God. We invite you to pray with us that this would indeed be the case throughout the next 3 weeks of camps. 

A Significant Day

I'm convinced that, like masters of any other profession, if we're disciples of Jesus Christ, we need mentors. Today wouldn't have necessarily seemed that special on the surface level. But going into it, I had made plans to get together with two guys whom the Lord has used in significant ways. 

My mentor, Tom Foley, who I've known now for the last 10 years, was visiting Zagreb from the States. Throughout 2020 and 2021 he didn't visit as much as he had in the past so I've begun looking forward to these face-to-face visits even more. There's always the potential that he'll ask a tough question. Tonight it was a softball, "So what are you reading in the Bible these days?" But it could have just as easily been, "How are you and Petra doing?" or "How's your relationship with the Lord?" The questions themselves aren't tough. But he knows how to help me dig into territory that may not be addressed much. Everything's on the table.

Tom and Jeremy in Hungary 2020

Earlier in the day I got together with Tomislav, a guy who I began mentoring soon after we came to Zagreb. He's become a good friend and a young leader in our church. 

Jeremy and Tomislav in Croatia 2020

Tomislav is the sort of guy who will come to others who are older and have more experience, pick their brain and ask for advice. He's open, genuine and transparent - characteristics that have helped him grow to be more and more like Christ. 

I'm so grateful to be in the middle of these two generations. It may not seem like a big deal, but it took several years of living in Croatia to find a guy like either of these two. The lack of having a mentor and having someone to share my experience with was a huge motivator in my drive to learn what it means to make disciples of Jesus Christ in Croatia. 

In the end, that wasn't merely an academic exercise. It's one I've been learning about "on the job". Tom and Tomislav have been a huge part of that.